Schema therapy, Postgraduate theses, Document reviewAbstract
The theses examined in the research consist of a total of 29 theses, including 4 doctoral theses and 25 master's theses, which were prepared between 2007 and 2022. Theses were examined by using document analysis method according to the type of the thesis, the year it was published, the university it was prepared, the department it was prepared, the variables studied, the method or design used, the study group or sample of the thesis, and the statistical methods used. When the findings are examined, the theses about schema therapy are mostly master's theses, the most thesis work on schema therapy was done in 2019 and 2020, the most theses on this subject were prepared in Hacettepe University, the theses were mostly prepared in the clinical psychology department, and the theses were mostly scientific research. As a quantitative research type and quantitative research model designs, relational screening design was used as the research method, adults and university students were mostly included in the theses as the study group, and the early maladaptive schemas and schema-maintaining coping behaviors variables were examined in the theses, statistically t-test and pearson. It has been revealed that the product-moment correlation coefficient analysis is frequently used.
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