The Importance of Psycho-Motor Development on Physical Activity in Preschool and Primary Education Period




Psychomotor development is the process by which children acquire skills that require the coordination of muscles and the mind to work together. This process is crucial during the preschool and primary school years. In addition to children's emotional, social, and cognitive development, their psychomotor development is also related to physical activity. This study examines the impact of physical activity on the psychomotor development of children in preschool and primary school. Physical activity enhances children's overall health, mental abilities, and academic performance, while also promoting the development of psychomotor skills. These skills encompass various physical and mental activities such as coordination, balance, speed, strength, flexibility, and timing. Research has shown that regular physical activity can significantly improve children's motor skills and overall psychomotor development. For example, structured activities like sports and games help children enhance their psychomotor skills. Additionally, physical activity also improves children's social skills, self-confidence, and learning abilities. In conclusion, physical activity has a significant impact on the psychomotor development of children. Therefore, to support the development of children during the preschool and primary school years, schools and families should encourage children to participate in regular physical activities and provide opportunities for them to do so.


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How to Cite

Yılmaz, K. B., & Erkılıç, A. O. (2023). The Importance of Psycho-Motor Development on Physical Activity in Preschool and Primary Education Period. Journal of Curriculum and Educational Studies, 1(2), 292–305.