Teachers' Views on Foreign Students' Mathematical Literacy
In this study, a qualitative research approach was adopted, aiming to analyze teachers' views on mathematical literacy for foreign students. The criterion sampling method was used within the scope of the research. For this purpose, eight randomly selected teachers teach mathematics in secondary schools in Afyonkarahisar, constitute the study group. Semi-structured interviews were conducted as a data collection tool, and the data were examined using the content analysis method. The main findings of the research allow us to analyze in depth the factors affecting students' mathematical literacy. It has been emphasized that factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, and familial support play a decisive role in students' mathematics achievement. Suggested strategies include language-supported materials, learning materials that emphasize cultural diversity, and guidance materials for families. Additionally, research reveals that non-cognitive factors have a significant impact on shaping students' mathematical literacy. Student-centered learning strategies, a variety of learning materials, and familial support are critical in adapting to students' different learning styles. As a result, this study suggests effective intervention strategies for teachers to understand and improve the mathematical literacy of foreign students. It is important for future research to confirm these findings across a wide range of students and different contexts, but this study can be considered
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