The Readiness Level of Students Studying in Language Classes in Lower Secondary Schools




Intensive English language class, Turkish, High school readiness


The objective of this study is to examine the preparedness of students in high school education for English classes and its impact on the development of their native language. This has been influenced by an intensive English language class in secondary school.

A qualitative interview was conducted with 55 students studying in two different high schools in Manisa. The students were selected according to their scores on the High School Admission Test. The students were selected at random. The researchers developed semi-structured interview questions for the face-to-face interviews.

Students who have undergone intensive English language classes demonstrate a high level of preparedness. The educational background of the students has a significant impact on their self-confidence and willingness to attend the courses.  The results demonstrate that both parents and students place a significant degree of importance on intensive English language classes. A similar discrepancy is observed when the written examination results of the research group and control group students are examined. The success of foreign language-based classes is largely attributed to the weekly high course hours. Furthermore, the attitudes of the teachers have a direct impact on the process.

The results demonstrate that initiating the practice at an early age has a positive effect on English proficiency. The teachers who teach in these classes present their lessons in the target language, which is an effective method of ensuring that students comprehend the outcome. The findings of this qualitative study can be applied to a wider audience through the use of a quantitative approach, as a greater number of students who have received this education will progress to secondary education in the future.


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How to Cite

Coşkun, S., Görür, Özgür, & Karacaoğlu, M. Önder. (2024). The Readiness Level of Students Studying in Language Classes in Lower Secondary Schools. Journal of Curriculum and Educational Studies, 2(3), 1–29.