Research Analysis of Perceptions on the concept of Mathematics Teaching and Mathematics Teacher in Social Media: An example of Urban Dictionaries
Participatory dictionaries, mathematics teacher, mathematics teachingAbstract
In this study, the perceptions of urban dictionary writers on the professional characteristics of mathematics teaching and the personality traits of mathematics teachers are presented. The data for the study, which was designed in the document analysis pattern, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was obtained from the comments made on the urban dictionary websites, which are the most preferred by the users. In this context, a total of 169 entries made under the title of mathematics teacher and a total of 70 entries made under the title of mathematics teaching were examined.The content analysis of the data was done, and frequencies were used in the presentation of the findings. According to the results of the study, many urban dictionary writers think that mathematics teaching is a difficult department because it requires getting high scores in exams, undergraduate education is challenging, and the assignment conditions are problematic. The urban dictionary writer, consider mathematics teaching a strenuous field with high professional expectations. In addition, it has been determined that the urban dictionary writers' perceptions of the personality traits of mathematics teachers are mostly negative, but some writers dream of becoming mathematics teachers because they have some advantages.
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