Writing Rules

The following rules should be considered when formatting the article.
1. Author names and information should not be included when the article is uploaded to the system. The formatting specifications for the manuscripts are presented below:
2. Palatino Linotype font should be used throughout the document.
3. The main text should be in 10-point font size and justified. The first paragraph of each main and sub-heading should be typed with no margin, and the following paragraphs should be typed with 0.5 cm margins. It should be written in 1.15 line spacing with 6 nk automatic spacing before the paragraph and 0 nk automatic spacing after the paragraph. This section of the research can be given as a whole, or it can be given as sub-headings when necessary.
4. Headings: The main title of the article should be 14 pt, bold, centered, and the first letters of all words should be capitalized. First level headings such as introduction, method, findings, discussion and conclusion, and references should be written in 12-point size, centered, bold, and capitalized except for conjunctions. First level headings should be written in 1.15 line spacing with 12 pt. automatic spacing before the paragraph and 6 pt. automatic spacing after the paragraph.
5. Author names: 12 pt, centered, only the first letters of the author's name and surname should be capitalized. Author's university, faculty, department, province, country, orcid, mail (If it is an institution other than the university, it is sufficient to write the name of the institution instead of the university, faculty and department name).
6. Abstract and Abstract should be written in 9 font size, italicized and justified. Abstract and Abstract should be 150-200 words. Articles should include both Turkish and English abstracts. If the language of the article is Turkish, "Abstract" should come first, and if the language of the article is English, "Abstract" should come first. 3-5 keywords should be written between 3-5 words. Only the first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized. All other keywords should be written in lower case.
7. The text of the manuscript should be written in 10-point font and the files should be prepared in Microsoft Word 2010 or higher version and the file format should be .docx extension. In the first paragraph, write your text without indentation. Leave ½ indent in the second and other paragraphs.
8. The extended abstract should be between 750-1000 words. There should be no indentation in the first paragraph and ½ paragraph indentation in the following paragraphs. There should be no title in the extended abstract. Each section should be written as a new paragraph. In this section, information about the introduction, method, findings and conclusion should be presented.

9.The presentation of the data obtained as a result of data analysis should be faithful to the original form of the data.
10. The first letters of the words in the table name should be capitalized, left justified and italicized. No vertical line should be used in the table. The table name should be placed next to the table number. The text in the table content can be reduced to 8 points.
11. The title of the figure should be centered (only the first letter should be capitalized). Figure number (italicized) and name should be given below the figure.
The following rules should be taken into consideration when organizing the bibliography.
1. References should be given in accordance with APA 7 (American Psychological Association) standards. In references with more than one author, the conjunction "and" should be used before the last author's last name when parentheses are not used for the text, and the conjunction "&" should be used when used in parentheses.
2. The references used in the article should be prepared "According to Author's Surname", starting from the left margin of the page, 9 pt, single-spaced. Leave ½ indent in the lines after the first line.
3. DOI numbers of articles containing DOI numbers should also be submitted.
4. Authors should fill out the Copyright Transfer Form when submitting their articles and upload their articles using the Manuscript Template.
Some examples for citing references are shown below.
For detailed information, please refer to the "Writing Rules" tab of the journal web page.
- For articles (if DOI number is available):
Koçak, L., & Seçer, İ. (2018). Examining the relationship between school burnout and depression and anxiety in high school students. Çukurova University Journal of Faculty of Education, 47(2), 601-622. https://dx.doi.org/10.14812/cuefd.372054
Notation in parentheses in the text: (Koçak & Seçer, 2018)
In-text citation: [for English articles] Koçak and Seçer (2018); [for Turkish articles] Koçak and Seçer (2018)
- For articles (if there is no DOI number):
Çetinkaya, P., & Erktin, E. (2002). Assessment of metacognitionanditsrelationshipwithreadingcomprehension, achievement, andaptitude . Boğaziçi University Journal of Education, 19(1), 1-11.
Akkan, Y., & Çakıroğlu, Ü. (2011). Examining the beliefs of elementary mathematics teachers and pre-service teachers about the use of calculators in mathematics education. Educational Technology Theory and Practice, 1(2), 17-34.
Parenthetical notation in the text: (Akkan & Çakıroğlu, 2011; Çetinkaya & Erktin, 2002)
Citation in the text: [for English articles] Akkan and Çakıroğlu (2011) and Çetinkaya and Erktin (2002); [for Turkish articles] Akkan and Çakıroğlu (2011) and Çetinkaya and Erktin (2002)
- For articles in press:
Güler, M., Çekmez, E., & Çelik, D. (in Press). Breakingwithtradition: An investigation of a